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Life Science, Chemistry and Cosmetics Topic

Key cases handled by our attorneys:

  • Representation of a medical device producer in a cross-border legal action (France and Italy) for patent infringement relating to a medical device.
  • Representation of a German medical device manufacturer in a cross-border legal action (France, Germany and Belgium) for patent infringement relating to a medical device, against a competitor, involving ex-parte measures for the collection of proof and opposition proceedings and appeal before the European Patent Office.
  • Representation in a claim of a U.S. pharmaceutical company in a preliminary injunction and a patent infringement action involving nicotine substitutes.
  • Representing and assisting a U.S. pharmaceutical company in global trademark litigation in cosmetics, involving several pan-european preliminary injunctioins, infringement actions on the merits and ex-parte measures in France. Coordinating related procedures in the United States, England, Lebanon and Bulgaria.
  • Defending a major Belgian cosmetics company in patent infringement litigation, with an invalidity claim.
  • Assisting a pharmaceutical company (ingredient patent) for a preliminary injunction grounded on a supplementary protection certificate (SPC), in the perspective of the launch of a generic drug.
  • Defending the portfolio of world-renowned trademarks of a major cosmetics player against the marketing of counterfeit products in shops and online, in France and in the Maghreb.
  • Analyzing the risk of infringement regarding trademark, design and unfair competition, for a pharmaceutical company (generic), in the perspective of the launch of a product combining a medical device and a pharmaceutical product.
  • Representing a major cosmetics player in an infringement action of cosmetic manufacturing process patents and misappropriation of know-how against a competitor and former employee, involving opposition proceedings before the European Patent Office.
  • Assisting a major French luxury cosmetics and fragrances brand during the performance of investigative measure on its premises, in the context of a commercial dispute for breach of an established business relationship.
  • Assisting a bio-based raw material manufacturer, a subsidiary of a multinational company, in the context of out-of-court expertise regarding non-compliance of cosmetic products with a major luxury brand.
  • Representing a French biotech company in cross-border litigation (France, USA and Belgium) for breach of an exclusivity commitment against a manufacturer and misappropriation of know‑how against a competitor, involving ex-parte measures (145).